Criminology: Unveiling The Study of Crime and Criminal Behavior


Criminology is a complex and ever-evolving field that seeks to understand the causes, motivations, and patterns of crime and criminal behavior.

It delves deep into the inner workings of the criminal mind and the societal factors that contribute to criminal acts.

As the study of criminology continues to evolve, new perspectives and methodologies are constantly emerging, shedding light on the complex nature of crime and criminal behavior.

In this article, we will delve into the world of criminology, exploring its history, theories, and research methods, as well as its practical applications in addressing and preventing crime.

By delving into the depths of this fascinating field, we can gain a better understanding of the inner workings of the criminal mind and ultimately work towards creating a more just and safe society for all.

What Is Criminology?

Criminology combines the study of crime and criminal behavior with sociological, psychological, economic, statistical, and anthropological disciplines.

Criminology examines a wide range of topics, including the characteristics of crime, the causes of crime, its impact on individuals and societies, and prevention strategies.

What Is Crime In Criminology?

Crime is anything that breaks the law in a certain place.

It can mean anything from stealing to assault, fraud, drugs, and so much more.

It can hurt people, communities, and the whole of society.

It can disrupt the way society works, put people at risk, and destroy trust.

Different countries and cultures have different ways of defining crime, but the basic idea is the same: it’s something that’s against the law and has legal consequences.

Why Should You Study Criminology Courses?

A degree in Criminology will always ask you to figure out why people do what they do, and how that fits into politics and prevention.

Career-specific skills in criminology include:

  • Social and Criminal Justice Through Sociology, Anthropology, Social Policy or Psychology.
  • We’re becoming more aware of how our criminal justice system is stacked against us, and how new issues are popping up.
  • The ability to do social research, whether it’s done in a quantitative or qualitative way.

Criminology Courses You Can Pursue

The degrees you can pursue in criminology include:

  • BSc Criminology
  • BSc Sociology with Criminology
  • BSc Criminology with a modern foreign language
  • Diploma of Criminology
  • Specialist Certificate in Criminology [Forensic Disability]
  • BA in Criminology and Criminal Justice
  • BA in Criminology
  • BA in Criminal Justice
  • Bachelor of Criminology (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Social Science(Criminology and Criminal Justice)

Additionally, you can also go for a Masters degree.

If you want to handle criminal cases with the utmost accuracy, you need a certain set of skills.

You can either take Criminology classes or get some hands-on experience.

Here are the key skills you need to have if you want to get ahead in this field:

  • Learn how to deal with criminals.
  • Having strong analytical thinking.
  • Having great research abilities.
  • Gaining knowledge of crime techniques.
  • Get your legal knowledge up to date!
  • Having a very high level of integrity and ethics.
  • Having good communication and being able to keep an eye out for things.

Criminology Jobs: An Overview

Employment opportunities that are directly associated with the completion of your degree include:

  • Civil service administrator
  • Police officer
  • Community development worker
  • Crime scene investigator
  • Youth worker
  • Detective
  • Social worker
  • Prison officer
  • Probation officer

Employment opportunities in which your degree could be advantageous include:

  • Adult guidance worker
  • Border Force officer
  • Charity officer
  • Counselor
  • Housing manager/officer
  • Local government officer
  • Paralegal
  • Political risk analyst
  • Social researcher
  • Solicitor

How Much Can You Make With A Criminology Degree?

Most criminologists make between $40k and $70k a year, and the top jobs make around $70k.

But most criminologists make around $40k to $70k, depending on how long they’ve been in the field and what they do.

That’s lower than the average sociologist, who makes up the bulk of the criminology industry.

Criminology jobs often come with educational programs, which offer benefits like better pensions and better healthcare plans.

All these things make criminology jobs with a degree better than the salary alone.

The highest-paying jobs won’t pay six figures, but you’ll be able to live comfortably.

Criminology Board Exam Result 2023

The PRC’s Professional Regulation Commission has released the results of 5,743 of the 17,576 Criminology Licensure Candidates who took the exam in August of 2023.

The results of three examinees have been withheld until their liabilities under the licensure examination rules are determined.

The results will be made available to the public within 14 working days.

Registrations for the issuance of the PRC’s Professional Identification Card (PIC) and Certificate of Registration (COC) will take place online on November 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 15th, 2023.

All successful examinees must register and sign into the Roster of registered professionals.

The dates and locations of the oath-taking ceremonies for the new successful examinees are yet to be announced.

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Criminology Board Exam Result 2022

According to the PRC’s Professional Regulation Commission, 12,698 of the 41.913 Criminologists Licensure Examinations that took place in June 2022 passed.

However, 22 examinees had their results held back until they could figure out what their liabilities were under the licensure exam rules.

Their results were made public 29 working days after the final day of the exam.

The board of criminology is made up of the Honors Ramil G., Gabao, George O., Fernandez, Lani T., and Warren M.

The PRC’s Professional Regulation Commission said that 11.098 of the 33,489 Criminologists’ Licensure Examinations passed in December 2022, while 13 examinees were held back until they could figure out their liabilities under the licensure exam rules, and 30 were held back according to Board resolution No. 02 of January 19th, 2023.

The results of the Criminology Licensure Exam were made public by the board of criminology, which is made up of the Honors Ramil G., Gabao, George O., Fernandez, Lani T., and Warren M. Corcoruz.

The results were made available to the public within 30 days.

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FAQs ( Frequently Asked Questions )

Here are some commonly asked questions about criminology and its various aspects to help you gain a better understanding of this fascinating field:

Q1. What is The Role of a Criminologist?

A criminologist studies crime, criminal behavior, and its impact on society.

They may work in research, law enforcement, or policy development to prevent and address crime.

Q2. What Are The Key Theories In Criminology?

Common criminological theories include the classical theory, strain theory, social learning theory, and routine activities theory, among others.

Q3. How Do Criminologists Contribute To Crime Prevention?

Criminologists often research and develop strategies to prevent and reduce crime, such as community policing, restorative justice programs, and policy recommendations.

Q4. What’s The Difference Between Criminology and Criminal Justice?

Criminology focuses on the study of crime and its causes, while criminal justice deals with the practical aspects of law enforcement, the legal system, and corrections.

Q5. What Qualifications Do I Need To Become a Criminologist?

A degree in criminology, sociology, psychology, or a related field is typically required.

Some positions may also require a master’s or doctoral degree.

Q6. What Kind of Jobs Can I Get With a Criminology Degree?

Criminology graduates can pursue careers in law enforcement, social work, research, policy analysis, and more, as your article mentions.

Q7. What is The Average Salary For Criminologists?

Salaries can vary depending on factors like location and experience.

On average, criminologists earn between $40,000 and $70,000 per year, as mentioned in your article.

Q8. Are There Specialized Areas Within Criminology?

Yes, there are specialized fields within criminology, including forensic criminology, cyber criminology, and environmental criminology, among others.

Q9. How Can I Stay Updated With The Latest Developments in Criminology?

To stay current, you can follow criminology journals, attend conferences, and participate in online forums or social media groups dedicated to criminology.

Q10. What Is The Future of Criminology As a Field of Study?

Criminology will continue to evolve with advancements in technology and changes in society.

It will remain a critical field for understanding and addressing crime and criminal behavior.

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Final Thoughts

As we have explored in this article, criminology is a vast and multifaceted field that seeks to understand and address the complex issue of crime and criminal behavior.

With its rich history, diverse theories, and constantly evolving research methods, criminology continues to provide valuable insights into the inner workings of the criminal mind and the societal factors at play.

By delving into this field, we can work towards creating a more just and safe society for all, making criminology a crucial and relevant area of study.

Let us continue to learn, question, and innovate in our understanding of crime and criminal behavior, ultimately striving towards a better future for our communities.

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Jason Jones

Jason Jones is an experienced editor with a passion for the law. With a 10-year background in legal editing, He has honed his skills in ensuring accuracy and clarity in legal writing. He is dedicated to delivering high-quality content that educates and informs readers on various legal topics.

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